Create A Balanced Life
Coaching for a more Balanced Life
In this 1.5-hour holistic wellness coaching session we will look at the eight areas that are important for a balanced and fulfilled life. Yes, there are eight! Our lives are not just our work, family and money – though it often feels like it is.
With the help of a very effective life coaching exercise we identify what is – and what isn’t – working for you at the moment. Once you have this bird’s eye view, it’s easier to form an action plan.
Next, I will show you how to create an affirmation to help you overcome limiting beliefs and form new habits that will support the goals you identified during the first exercise.
We conclude the session with a 15-minute relaxing and reinvigorating Reiki treatment, or Emotional Freedom Technique (Tapping) to embed the affirmation into the subconscious mind.
Cost: R650. Available in person or online.
Thought Transformation Workshop
The Thought Transformation virtual workshop that I co-presented with Anri van Rooyen, incorporates the Create A Balanced Life method. In addition you will also learn about overcoming limiting beliefs and receive tips and tools to help you stay on track to making the changes required to achieve the balanced life you deserve. Click on the image to buy the complete course, with lifetime access, on