Distance Reiki Healing
Remote Reiki Healing anywhere in the world
Remote Reiki, also known as Distance Reiki or Online Reiki Healing, is a powerful and convenient way to receive Reiki energy from anywhere in the world—right from the comfort of your home. Because energy is not limited by time or space, a Reiki session can be just as effective whether you’re in the same room as the me or thousands of kilometers away.
You might wonder, "How does Distance Reiki work?"
Think of the waves of the ocean. Each wave appears separate, yet all are connected to the vast, endless sea. In the same way, we may seem physically apart, but we are all interlinked through universal energy. Just as a heartfelt message or a loving thought can be felt across distances, so too can Reiki energy flow wherever it is needed. This means that no matter where you are in the world, you can experience the calming, balancing, and restorative effects of Reiki—without the need to travel.
The Remote Reiki session
The Distance Reiki session includes:
- 15-minute consultation by Zoom or WhatsApp video,
- 45 minutes of Reiki healing,
- 10 minutes for feedback via voicenote or email.
- video or sound file (depending on your preference) with soothing music to listen to during our session.
First-time clients will also be asked to complete a short Client Intake form that will be sent in advance.
Distance Reiki (USD)$48
Distance Reiki (GBP)£40
Distance Reiki (EUR)€45
Distance Reiki for South African clientsR450
International clients pay by PayPal. South African clients pay by EFT.
PLEASE NOTE: Distance Reiki appointments are not confirmed until payment has been received in full.