Reiki courses

Five things I learned from teaching Reiki courses

Being a Reiki Master and teaching Reiki courses in South Africa is probably the most fulfilling job in the world.  For me at least. Much more fulfilling than being a legal secretary in London (which is what I was for 18 years) Sharing my love and passion for healing through the energy healing modality of Reiki, brings me so much joy. When attunements bring to tears of joy, a simple sentence in my Reiki manual leads to a profound ah-ha moment, or I see the astonished look on the face of a student when they give their first Reiki treatment and the recipient confirms what they had intuitively sensed, I am humbled and exhilarated at the same time. 


These kinds of experiences drive me to want to teach more and bigger classes; but it wasn’t always like this. The very first time I taught Reiki Level 1 was scary! Would the attunements work? Would the students feel the Reiki energy? Would I be able to explain Reiki sufficiently so that they will trust it and the process? Over time however my confidence has grown and the feedback from students helped me refine my teaching methods.
Some of what I have learned from teaching Reiki courses I’d like to share with you.


1. If someone enquires about a course, they will eventually attend

Time and again I have seen how every single person who has ever sent me an email to ask about my Reiki courses, will eventually attend the course. Some people enquire and pay their fee on the same day, others enquire and only attend the course 6 months later, but every single person who wants to learn Reiki, eventually does. Everyone will inevitably answer Reiki’s call when it comes.


2. The right students attend at the right time

I have taught groups of up to six students and every time the mix of people in the class was just perfect. And when I taught one-to-one Reiki classes, that was also exactly as it should have been because these students tend to be introverts who flourish under individual attention. They also enjoy the freedom to relate what they learn in the Reiki course to their personal life and enjoy sharing their personal stories with me. When it’s group of students the right mix of students always come together, from the divorced moms who need a break; to the retired business owner and the young business women. As a teacher you never have to worry that the personalities or backgrounds of your students will be difficult to manage. You can be completely relaxed and know that every intake of students is the perfect intake of students for that course.


3. Most learning takes place between lessons

It’s the chats over lunch, the catch-ups on the morning of the second day of class, the talks around the kettle with a biscuit in hand, and the “how did that feel for you?” questions after giving each other a Reiki treatment, where we all learn the most. This is where learning Reiki meets real life and we come to understand how it infiltrates all we do. As teacher you just have to allow, and encourage, these conversations to flow.


4. Learning Reiki is empowering

I teach Reiki courses because I want people to be able to heal themselves. As much as I love giving Reiki treatments and will always do so, it’s even more satisfying to be able to attune students to the Reiki energy so that they can go home and treat themselves, their family and even set up a Reiki practice if they so wish. When you have Reiki you take control of your own spiritual, mental, emotional and physical wellbeing. It’s hugely empowering and probably the best gift you can give yourself. And as a Reiki teacher I am empowering others to do just that, whilst also stepping into my own power.


5. I have much to learn

It really is true that “you teach best what you most need to learn “. Every time I prepare for a Reiki course, explain a Reiki concept or answer a student’s question I am reminded of what I don’t know, or have forgotten. Teaching Reiki has taught me the importance of keeping an open mind and to be humble enough to realise I am still a student of life, and of the practice of Reiki, myself.


Whether you would like to learn Reiki, are a new Reiki Master teacher or have been teaching for many years, I hope that these lessons I have learned whilst teaching Reiki, has inspired, encouraged and helped you on your Reiki journey.


(An updated version of this blog post is available to read on the Free Resources of the Reiki Guild South Africa website.

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