
Reiki and religion

Reiki and religion

I would like to share my thoughts about the relationship between Reiki and religion, especially Christianity. Unfortunately, there is a misconception that Reiki practitioners, and people who receive Reiki treatments, don’t have a relationship with God and that they “open themselves up to the devil”. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Reiki and religion

Godsdiens en Reiki

Ek wil graag bietjie uitbrei oor Godsdiens en Reiki, veral Christenskap en Reiki. Daar is ‘n wanindruk dat Reiki praktisyns, en mense wat Reiki behandelings ontvang, nie Godsdienstig is nie en selfs dat hulle hulself “oop maak vir die duiwel”. Niks kan verder van die waarheid wees nie.   Godsdiens kan vereenselwig word met Reiki …

Godsdiens en Reiki Read More »

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