Reiki Master Natasja King Garden Route and Pretoria

The significance of the arum lily

You might have noticed that I have chosen the arum lily, also known as a calla lily, for my branding. There’s an interesting story behind this, which I’d like to share with you.

The process of receiving the four Reiki 1 attunements is known to start a physical and/or emotional detox in students that goes on for 21 days. I certainly experienced this on an emotional level. Many things from my past came to the surface, which I felt compelled to deal with, once and for all – thank you Reiki for pushing me into making changes! So much so that I sought help from a fantastic hypnotherapist, Alex Britton

All of my sessions with Alex were incredibly helpful, but one stands out; meeting my Inner Advisor. The concept of “meeting my intuitive side” was all new to me. Seeing my intuitive side in physical form was never something that I thought was possible. I’m very intuitive and I am guided by my intuition a lot, but I never thought that there may actually be an Inner Advisor personified, that I could go to to ask questions. With hypnosis, Alex asked me to imagine myself entering a cave where I will find my Inner Advisor. Alex guided me through the cave by asking me questions and directing me towards the place where I would meet my Inner Advisor.

My Inner Advisor turned out to be a beautiful lady in white clothing seated cross-legged in front of a pool of water.

When my therapist instructed me to ask her if she had a gift for me, my Advisor handed me a single white arum lily. I quickly understood what she was trying to tell me: keep things simple. To me the arum lily is the epitome of uncomplicated elegance. Indeed it’s what makes the flower so beautiful.

Out of all the things that were revelaed to me during that Inner Advisor hypnosis, it’s the symbolism of the arum lily that made the biggest impact on me.

Keep Things Simple:

  • Don’t overthink.
  • I should continue to listen to my intuition – my Inner Advisor – and if I don’t understand what it is saying, just ask for clarification.
  • Ask for help – it’s much simpler to ask for help, than it is to try and do everything myself and in the process unnecessarily over complicate things for myself.
  • Break goals into small, simple steps

Keeping things simple and putting up resistance by overthinking and over complicating things, reminded me of “going downstream” and the Art of Allowing as explained in Esther & Jerry Hicks’ book Ask and it is Given:

Everything you want is downstream… And you don’t even have to turn the boat and paddle downstream, just let go of the oars, the current will carry you.

The teachings of Abraham

The arum lily is now the symbol of Natasja King Healing. It’s a reminder for me that running a business, helping people, allowing Reiki to flow and my general outlook on life, should be the spiritual equivalent of this simple, pure and elegant flower.

In a beautiful example of synchronicity, I came upon pink arum lily plants at my local supermarket a few days ago. I stopped by to buy the Reiki Master with whom I studied Reiki 2, a plant as a thank you gift, only to find a vast display of arum lilies. I couldn’t believe it! I now have an arum lily right here in my living room.

I also found out that he arum lily is native to South Africa, which is where I grew up. In Afrikaans, we call it a “varkblom” which literally translates as “pig flower”. Not a very nice name for a flower, I know, but it’s called “varkblom” because the flower looks like a pig’s ear. The Afrikaans name aside, I think it’s quite poetic that a flower that grows wild and in abundance in the country of my birth, is now the symbol of simplicity for my business.

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