Reiki courses in the Garden Route and Pretoria

What to look for when choosing a Reiki course and Reiki Master

The relationship between a Reiki Master and a Reiki Student is an important one which should not be taken lightly. Reiki Masters share a little bit of themselves with every student and we create lifelong bonds. You must therefore make sure that you will get along well and, for the lack of a better word, will be able to “gel”. In addition, there are a few background facts and technical points you may want to consider, and questions you will want to ask of the Reiki Master, before deciding whether or not to enroll in a Reiki training course. Here is a list of questions to ask the Reiki Master as suggested by the UK Reiki Federation, and my answers to those questions:

Questions to ask the Reiki Master My answers
What style of Reiki do they teach? Usui style of Reiki in the Japanese and Western traditions
Do they have a lineage (similar to a family tree) that goes back to the founder of Reiki, Mikao Usui? Yes. See it here. Each student also receives a copy of their lineage
Are attunements given in person? “Attunements” can be compared to spiritual blessings and is the most important aspect in the system of Reiki.  Yes
How many class contact/face to face hours are there. 16 hours
Are there any additional hours required to be put in? No
Do they provide you with a manual? Yes
Do you have to do case studies (i.e. treatments), and if so how many? Not for Level 1. Level 2 students have to do six case studies over three months.
Are they insured? Yes
How long have they been practising Reiki? Since 2021
How long have they been teaching Reiki? Since 2022
Where are classes held and is there parking nearby? At my home in Mossel Bay and at YogaSteps studio in Moreleta Park. There is ample offstreet at both venues.
Are they a member of a professional Reiki organisation, if so which one? Yes, the Reiki Guild South Africa
Are there any things which you will need to purchase prior to training? No
What are the requirements if any, for certification at the end of the course? No additional requirements for Reiki Level 1. Reiki Level 2 students receive their certificate after they have submitted their six case studies.
What is the cost? From R2,570 (as at 2024) See the Course Page for up to date pricing.
How long do they say a student should wait between Reiki courses and the three levels of Reiki? I recommend at least 3 months between Reiki Level 1 and Level 2 (Practitioner), at least 6 months between Reiki Level 1 and Level 2, and 12 months between Level 2 and Level 3 (Master).


What if I still don’t know who to choose to teach me Reiki?

I would pick the person you like, and feel a connection with, over one with more experience, or over someone who is more well-known – as long as they are 1) qualified, 2) give attunements in person and 3) can show a clear unbroken lineage that goes back to Mikao Usui. Trust your intuition when choosing a Reiki Master. You can get a good sense of a the Reiki Master’s personality, their values and character by looking at their website and social media content.


For example, one of my students told me that she searched Google for a Reiki Course near Mossel Bay. The search brought up a few results but when she looked on my website her first thought was “This looks legit nice” and booked her Reiki Level 1 course with me. We got on very well, she had a fantastic two days learning Reiki, I loved teaching her and she is going to progress on to Reiki Level 2 with me as her Reiki Master.


If you are in doubt, book a Reiki therapy session with the Reiki Master, call them to ask questions, or just meet them for a coffee and then decide if this is the person you would like to teach you Reiki.

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